This week, there has been much improvisation and reusing of materials instead of just composting them.
Thursday morning's leftover oatmeal became "burger" patties at lunch with the help of some organic salsa and an egg.
Falafel for lunch on Friday.
The old-fashioned homemade pancake recipe I used Sunday morning can be found here. They were delish, but next time, I think I will use an alternative flour, like oat or amaranth. They will be healthier that way, and they might produce some better flavors. They are simply accompanied by scrambled eggs with a little milk and organic salsa, and some bacon (which we get maybe twice a year...we are usually pretty vegetarian, but moreso flexatarian).
Sunday night, I threw together some leftover farina cereal, rice and cous cous with freshly chopped and sauteed onion, red pepper, organic carrots, and garlic. I also added organic garbanzo and kidney beans, along with coriander, sea salt, curry, and turmeric. The flavor and texture of this dish resembled that of biryani, which we used to enjoy years ago when we used to eat out.
Leftover Cream of Wheat experimental cookies...they were very tasy and sweet, but I must refine the texture a bit before sharing my recipe. I like my cookies moist and chewy.