Monday, July 19, 2010

: Sunday : Reflection :

Today, I will reflect upon my current goals. I always like to set small tasks or habit changes for myself. It brings a sense of accomplishment once something has been completed or carried out. Plus, this heat has been getting to my brain. I need to jot my thoughts down to keep it all straight.

My goals for the near future are to:
  1. Knit a farmer's market bag.
  2. Sew Luke's quilt in reds and blues.
  3. Start better money management practices....I should...I have an accounting degree.
  4. Enforce daily rhythms with the kids better....they like them.
  5. Find more time with Daniel.
  6. Get on the treadmill in the morning and hop on the bike after dinner every day.....this would be ideal.
  7. Incorporate yoga into small increments here and there during my day.
  8. Organize all my crafty materials.
  9. Take more time to read about environmental issues.
  10. Go through my pictures.

1 comment:

  1. OOOH buddy....This heat does make it hard to keep it all straight. Those are some good goals. I have been slacking a bit on some of my own goals. Been having a lot of fun though!
